Katie Barulsen, CMB

When did you earn your CMB designation? How long did the process take you to complete?
I earned my CMB in 2016 and it took me a little over a year to complete.

Which type of CMB designation did you achieve? Residential/ Executive/ Master?

What is your day-to-day job role in the industry?
I have been called the "Swiss army knife" of my company; I tend to have multiple job roles, but in the end, my role is to help the company succeed and meet our goals.

What originally influenced you to go forward with obtaining the CMB designation? 
The president of my company, Fowler Williams. 

Did you experience challenges on the way to becoming a CMB? 
My challenges were centered around learning the large amount of information you need to know.

How has your professional life changed since going through the CMB program?
I feel more confident in my knowledge and ability and have been able to use that in my day to day roles.

Since obtaining your CMB, what have you done to give back to the mortgage banking industry?
Teaching Intro to Mortgage Banking for the MBA.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not at work?
I enjoy walking my dogs and going to the beach!