Jim Hensley, CMB
When did you earn your CMB designation?
Which type of CMB designation did you achieve (Residential/ Executive/ Master)? Executive
What is your day-to-day job role in the industry?
National Account Executive for Property Sciences, an Appraisal Management Company.
What originally influenced you to go forward with obtaining the CMB designation? My boss at a previous mortgage company challenged all the executives to work toward a CMB.
Did you experience
challenges on the way to becoming a CMB? The Executive Program does not rely on past classes/testing so studying is a challenge.
Any advice for those considering CMB?
Try to have a sponsor or co-sponsor that is very active in the CMB program or has received CMB in past year.
How has your professional life changed since going through the CMB program? I am more active in the MBA.
Since obtaining your CMB, what have you done to give back to the mortgage banking industry? I attend CMB functions and encourage my peer group to pursue CMB.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not at work?
Executive Advisor for Family Promise of Forsyth County. Triathlete. Golf. Study of Holy Land.